When the First Presidential Election Debate, Jokowi Looks nervous and complicated when answering questions

Fakta Id. Incumbent camps tend to be more attacking in the inaugural presidential and vice presidential debate event on Thursday (01/17/19). Incumbent repeatedly spoke in a firm tone to show his disapproval of the presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto's comments.

In fact, the offensive incumbent against Prabowo with certain issues and cases. Then, by relating the legal aspects. One of them was when the former mayor of Solo signaled the issue of hoax Ratna Sarumpaet. Prabowo's presidential candidate was offensive about the representation of women and candidates for corrupt prisoners in the Party.

Science-based tubut language expert Monica Kumalasari also agrees that the peahana tambil camp is unusual, more resolute through verbal and gesture. Meanwhile, it is inversely proportional to Prabowo's appearance, looking calm, calm. However, one or two moments of the former secretary general of Kopassus showed his emotional side.

Then, the Political Observer of Padjadjaran University, Firman Manan tried to understand the appearance of the incumbent presidential candidate as usual. The incumbent presidential candidate is considered more attacking, in fact, looks more aggressive than Prabowo Subianto who is the challenger presidential candidate.
So, Firman is optimistic that Prabowo's views are not only the result of the incumbent president's thought when the debate took place. He predicted attacks from the incumbent had indeed been prepared by the incumbent team.

"Of course the debate between the presidential and vice presidential debates is certainly well prepared. There are simulations, coaching. I find it difficult to imagine, in the debate, the candidates were left to improvise, "said Firman on Friday (01/18/19).
According to Firman, naturally if the public does not think the incumbent presidential candidate will be so aggressive. Moreover, the incumbent presidential candidate is the one who actually prefers the preventive ones.

So, the shortcomings of the incumbent presidential candidate did not answer the core of Prabowo Subianto's question. The incumbent presidential candidate only responded to the questions given by Prabowo by issuing counter-attacks. This was given by political observer of the Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullahm State Islamic University, Adil Prayitno.

"He (Jokowi) attacked back with the case of Ratna Sarumpaet without answering what Prabowo asked. This was also done when responding to the ASN that supported one of the candidate pairs, "Adi said. according to Adi, Prabowo seemed to be trying not to get hooked. Adi said that this was a positive value from Prabowo during the overnight debate.

According to him, Prabowo seemed to be calmer and used to speeding up in the open. Adi saw this from Prabowo Subianto's gesture which was not mixed by incumbent presidential attacks.


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